Extension: GDPR EU PrivacyGuard
Extension Name: ext.magento2.cleverzoeger.gdpr (CleverZoeger_GDPR)
Shop Link: https://shop.clever-zoeger.de/gdpr-eu-privacyguard-m2-service.html
Magento Compatibility: 2.4.7, 2.4.6, 2.4.5, 2.4.4, 2.3.7
This Magento Extension provides your shop with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) towards
cookie consent and, other functions related to your shop sections.
Additionally it will be served with a free trial period of you GDPR Cookie Scanning Service, find
out more under GDPR-Service Portal.
The GDPR versions 3.x can only be used with Magento 2.4.6 or later, all other Magento versions must use the GDPR versions 2.x.
Initial Setup Steps
For a successful installation of this module, we recommend you follow the setup steps listed below.
Step-1: Disable the Module (make sure the status is NOT ACTIVE).
Insert the Account Public Key (refer to your order mails or shop account for your public key)
Step-2: Enter the License Key under clever+zöger > Information and press Save Item
Step-3: Login into GDPR-Service Portal, with your shop account
Your domain should already be listed under the Domain Manager section
If your domain is NOT listed, please contact us at support@clever-zoeger.de
Activate your Domain
Configure all wanted paths/URI inside the Domain Manager (via the Path Manager)
Step-4: Check if your setup has been successful by going back to your online (productive) magento shop than, pressing the Sync Button under clever+zöger > GDPR EU Privacy Guard > Cookies. The list of cookies available to your domain should be displayed. Notice that, upon registration, it may take up to 30 minutes for the first scan to return the cookie list.
To set up GDPR EU PrivacyGuard, please go to System → Configuration → CLEVER+ZÖGER GMBH → GDPR EU PrivacyGuard
Backend: General Settings
In this section you can set the Cookie Policy options.
Here you can activate the google consent mode v2. If you set it to Yes, the consent mode settings in the cookie groups will be compiled based on the accepted cookies in the GDPR popup. Only if a consent mode is granted in all accepted groups, it will be granted in the frontend, otherwise it will be set to denied.
This Subsection allows to set the Customer Policy options. Customer account deletion can be set to the following values:
No (default setting): customers cannot delete their accounts.
Yes: customers can delete their account directly from the frontend.
Contact Admin: customers can send a request for their account to be deleted. If this option is selected, additional fields for the contact mail address and the mail template are shown.
The Additional delete field defines the areas to be deleted for a deletion request.
Show consent checkbox in Field one defines which page the consent box should be enabled. We recommend selecting all.
Message before the checkbox and Checkbox content The other two fields determine the text before and after the consent checkbox. HTML content can also be entered here.
Backend: Configuration
Cookie consent: groups Each cookie is assigned to a group which defines the rule-set policy for the consent interface.
Elements are for the content restriction if the cookie is not enabled by the customer. The system will prevent the output for these elements which aren’t enabled
Elements ( JavaScript Code ) will be tracked automatically if activated in the settings
Each Element needs to defined to an cookie and should be activated to restrict the content if the cookie wasn’t enabled