Extension: WebP Next Generation Images

WebP Next Generation Images Magento Extension Logo

Improve your website performance with next-generation image formats


  • Converts images to next-generation image format WebP, which will significantly reduce file size by applying a superior compression algorithm

  • Generates images for mobile devices with an configurable screen resolution


To set up WebP Next Generation Images, please go to System → Configuration → CLEVER+ZÖGER GMBH → WebP Next Generation Images

Backend: General Settings

Next Gen Images


  • Enable: Activate / deactivate extension

Source elements

  • Source attribute name: Name of the attribute in the <source> element which holds the URL of the image

  • Source data attribute name: Name of the data attribute in the <source> element which holds the URL of the image

Media query

  • breakpoint for mobile images: Maximum horizontal resolution in pixels, to which mobile images should be shown.